Terms and Conditions

Ticket Purchase and Attendance of Blue Hills Berries & Cherries U-Pick activity

KM & TL Chapman Pty Ltd T/AS Blue Hills Berries & Cherries (A.C.N 145 185 511) (A.B.N 80 225 123 970)

  • All Tickets to Blue Hills Berries & Cherries activities are issued subject to these Terms and Conditions.
  • If purchasing a Two Farm Pass, both farms must be visited on the same day – currently N/A
  • Please do not pick green (underripe) fruit.
  • You must pay for everything that you pick, so only pick what you intend to purchase
  • Children must be supervised by a responsible adult at all times;
  • The ground can be uneven in places so please wear sensible footwear; we recommend closed-toe shoes.
  • Hats and sunblock are highly recommended to protect you from the Australian sun
  • Do not climb the cherry trees or break branches. This is not only a safety issue, but it also damages the trees.
  • Do not step on strawberry plants.
  • No smoking in the orchard.
  • Beware of hazards. On occasions, we may hire beehives to assist with pollination. Please keep your distance from hives. Although our dams are fenced, a water hazard still exists.
  • Beware of moving vehicles and machinery.
  • No glass in the orchard.
  • Drones are NOT permitted;
  • Dogs are not permitted, with the exception of assistance/guide dogs.
  • Please take your rubbish home or use bins provided.
  • For your own safety do not enter restricted areas such as workshops and Farm sheds.
  • The amount of berries ripe & ready for picking can be unpredictable. Fruit availability can vary daily due to weather conditions & fruit maturity. For this reason, there may be occasions when Blue Hills Berries & Cherries must cancel the picking activity at short notice.

With all this said, we hope you have a wonderful day!